Start Your Fashion Brand With A Low Budget, No Experience, & No Connections
Starting a fashion brand is easy, you just need to take the first step and have the right roadmap. 
Have you dreamt about starting your fashion brand for years? Do you crave the freedom and fulfillment that comes with being your own boss in the exciting fashion world? If you're ready to turn your passion for fashion into a thriving business, then this is for you.

Why struggle to figure it all out on your own when you can tap into the community, knowledge, and experience of industry experts who have successfully built and grown their own fashion brands? Our modern fashion school program provides the proven strategies, insider tips, and essential resources needed to bring your fashion vision to life.

The Modern Fashion School is here to help you build the brands of the future.
Starting a fashion brand can be an expensive, slow, and daunting task, filled with uncertainties and challenges. That's why we've developed the Modern Fashion School, a comprehensive online education program designed to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring you have a brand up and running and ready to start selling in 90 days.

Here's what you can expect from the Modern Fashion School
Comprehensive Step-by-Step Training:
  • Carefully crafted modules covering everything you need to know, from finding business partners, to creating and honing your brand identity and designing captivating collections in a cost-effective way, sourcing, manufacturing, marketing, and beyond. Each module is delivered in a digestible format, allowing you to learn at your own pace while building a strong foundation for your brand's success.
  • Expert Mentorship: Gain access to a team of seasoned fashion professionals who will be your guides throughout the program. Our mentors have successfully navigated the fashion industry and are ready to share their insights, answer your questions, and provide personalized feedback on your brand's progress. With their support, you'll avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your growth.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for fashion and entrepreneurship. Forge partnerships, collaborate, exchange ideas, and forge partnerships with other driven individuals who can become invaluable partners, contacts, and collaborators. Your network is your net worth, and we'll help you build it.
⚡️Exclusive Bonus Material:
As a member of the Modern Fashion School, you'll gain access to a private discord channel. Where you will receive 24 hour a day of support Monday to Friday for any questions, or challenges you are currently facing or struggling with
Master the art of starting a fashion brand.
The internet is a vast jungle of information that can be both confusing and exciting. But don’t let the confusion overwhelm you, let the Modern Fashion School be your guide. We provide you with simple step-by-step tutorials that will help you navigate this jungle and unlock the full potential of the digital world.
Master the art of starting a fashion brand.
  • He will lay out a plan that works for you.
  • You’ll be mentored every step of your journey.
  • ​Personal communication and advice through the Discord group.
  • ​Weekly group video calls through Zoom.
  • ​Get access to opportunities only available HERE.
Suited for beginners & advanced.
The Modern Fashion School is for everyone. No matter if you’re a student, a 9-5 worker with no experience, or an entrepreneur with a fashion brand, we only have 3 requirements:
  • Internet access
  • Computer/smartphone
  • ​A genuine desire to learn


We've already helped countless aspiring fashion entrepreneurs, just like you, bring their visions to life. Now it's your turn. Are you ready to take the leap and make your mark in the fashion industry?

"I had been dreaming of starting my fashion brand for years but didn't know where to begin. Thanks to the Modern Fashion School, I went from concept to having everything up and running in just 90 days

- Emily R.

"The constant mentorship source of inspiration and knowledge. The guidance helped me avoid costly mistakes and navigate the challenges of the fashion industry."  

- Jenni L..

"Truly exceeded my expectations. The comprehensive training modules covered every aspect of starting a fashion brand, from branding to production, and the support from the community was incredible".

- Alyssa B.

"I went from having a vague idea to a fully operational fashion brand in just three months. The program kept me focused, motivated, and provided the support I needed throughout the journey."

- Ali B.

"The program helped me overcome my fear of failure by emphasising the importance of taking action. I realised that the only way to make my dreams a reality was to step out of my comfort zone and embark on this incredible journey."

- Jessica M.

"I can't recommend the Modern Fashion School enough. The program gave me the tools, knowledge, and connections I needed to launch my fashion brand. It's a must for anyone serious about building a career in this industry."

- Hector D.

"The networking opportunities provided  opened doors for collaborations and partnerships I could have never imagined. The program not only taught me the business side of fashion but also helped me build a strong support system, which was always what I struggled with the most."

- Mark S.

"For years, I thought that I could start a brand and do everything by myself, but I was wrong. Joining turned out to be the best decision I made for myself and my brand. My only regret is not doing it earlier, I don't even want to think about the amount of time, mistakes, and money I would have saved if I joined sooner."

- Melissa R.


1. Step-by-Step Blueprint

You’ll get access to 20+ video courses and dozens of well-structured tutorials covering all of the fundamentals of starting a fashion brand.
  •  Easy-to-follow program for success
  •  Quickly learn the skills that you need
  • ​Secrets of how the biggest brands start with as few resources as possible

2. Daily access to personalized help & weekly live sessions with Esteban where you can: 

  •  Ask questions 
  •  Ask for feedback/reviews 
  • Receive personalized strategies

3. Private Network & Community

Our online community is a supportive, high-focus environment and very exclusive. There are only 100 spots available. Everyone is on the same mission: building a fashion brand that changes the industry as we know it.
  •  Network with people on the same mission 
  • Collaborate on creative projects 
  • Exchange networks and contacts 
  • ​Learn from real-world results and examples
  • ​Make like-minded business partners and friends on your journey


Don’t let fear and procrastination keep you trapped. You have the power to break free and make your dreams a reality. Take the leap and see what lies beyond.
Embrace the unknown and have the courage to pursue your creative vision.
The Modern Fashion School will take care of the rest.

You need to act now.
Get full access

$249 before

$49 Entry Fee

$49.00 every month afterwards.

⚠️Last spots available at this price

  • Simple step-by-step tutorials
  • Access to a mentor
  •  Community chat groups
  • No experience needed
  • ​Cancel anytime, risk-free
  • ​Price locked forever



The price will increase to $249 a month, it’s your last chance.

There is only room for 100 people. Join now before we hit 100 members or you will not be able to join anymore. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.


 I already have a brand, will this help me as well?

Of course. Most brands fail to grow or succeed because they do not have the right foundations to become successful. We will teach and help you with that here.

 How much will it cost to start a brand?

It depends on your situation, if you follow all of the steps that we teach you, getting a brand up and running will cost a couple of hundred dollars.

 What if I have no money?

It does not matter. Everything starts with education. Education eventually creates money. Education and guidance are the first things you should focus on, and that is what you will receive with the Modern Fashion School.

 I know nothing about fashion. Is this a problem? 

Of course not. This is an educational program.
And you are here to learn. Just follow our step-by-step lessons and guidance.

 Will I need to invest in anything else? 

No. The only thing that you need is an internet connection, a computer, and a phone.

 Does this work in every country?

Yes, the principles and lessons we will teach you will apply no matter what part of the world you are in. 

 What if I don't like it?

There is no contract and no risk. You can cancel your membership at any time and after one month is up, that’s it. There is no risk to you.

 I don't have a lot of free time, will it still work? 

The methods we teach are designed for rapid execution. So all you need is a minimum of 30 minutes a day to listen to your professors and consistently apply what you are learning.

 Do I have to quit my job or quit school to start?

 Definitely not, and we do not recommend it. This is something that you can start part-time or as a hobby and slowly but surely turn into a successful brand.
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